Taking your tournament to the next level

There are a lot of golf tournaments competing for the same players. How do you elevate your event so it captures the biggest audience and raises the most for your cause?

You’re decided to hold a golf tournament. There’s a lot to consider—just check out the first blog about how to launch your event.

But now you’re ready to go—and there’s even more to think about when it comes to elevating your event and making it something memorable that your guests will want to return to. After all, if you have a great cause and a great event, you’re more likely to have players returning year after year.

So here are some things you’ll want to consider once you’ve got the fundamentals for your event (date, venue, guests) set.


Most events will offer some sort of gift to those participating and hand it out at the registration table, or perhaps provide something at specific holes during the round. There are a lot of options, but player gifts or a swag bag are a pretty common part of a golf tournament and you’re going to want to build it into your model. That means either building it into your registration budget for each player, or seeking sponsors that will provide you with merchandise you can give out. It isn’t unusual for a local company to be interested in the exposure a golf tournament can provide and offer logoed merchandise that you can provide to your guests. Golf Town is also helping; everyone using Golf Town Tournaments’ software will receive a discount, so check it out.

Get your players engaged

Yes, it is a golf tournament, but most events don’t really spend too much time thinking about the quality of play. That means low scores or shooting better than your handicap isn’t a big factor in the success of the tournament. But engaging your players in activities connected to the game is always a winner. That can be the obvious things—closest to the pin or long drive contests—but other elements are also becoming commonplace. Have a putting contest when the group makes the turn. Even a bad golfer will occasionally hole a long putt! Or ask the club’s PGA of Canada professional to hit a shot on a par-3 and allow the team on the hole to see if they can beat him.

Oh, and be creative—we’ve seen everything from the traditional elements of a tournament to axe throwing contests. So just have fun with it.

Bring the sponsors on course

Sponsors will want to be involved in your tournament if it is for a good cause. But they’ll want to be involved even more if they can interact with your guests. So get them out on the course—maybe have them be able to speak to your guests on a specific hole, for example. The most connected they feel, the more likely it is they’ll support your tournament again the following year.

Nail the details

PGA of Canada pros can help you with personalized scorecards, and cart nameplates—the little things that go a long way to making your guests feel special. Golf Town promotions can also help by outfitting your event with logo golf balls made specifically for your tournament. Make it special!

Impressive organization

You’ll have volunteers helping you run your tournament, so make it pro by getting them uniforms—or at least matching polos—for the event. That way your guests will know who to turn to if they have any questions. And if you’re the organizer of the tournament, be visible. Get out on the course and greet your guests, and tell them about the great things you’ll be doing with the money raised.

And don’t forget the little things—water stations on the course (getting logoed water bottles for your event is a great way of being environmentally conscious), and perhaps get a sponsor to offer snacks. And the course is always willing to help with a beverage cart—just to keep your guests hydrated or perhaps with their favourite adult beverage.

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