How Yoga Can Improve Your Golf Game

Professional athletes have been enjoying the rewards of yoga for years. Improving balance, flexibility and core strength while heightening concentration, yoga tones specific muscle groups while simultaneously stretching others.

Focusing on areas of the body that may not often be used, yoga also pinpoints trouble areas that may be experiencing tightness or limited mobility. Improved and more frequent movement significantly reduces the incidence of injury.

“Practising yoga improves body awareness through subtle and specific movements,” says Cherry Johnston, Lolë’s GTA community
manager. “This allows our mind and body to become seamlessly connected.”

Yoga has been proven to greatly reduce stress while improving concentration. Calming the mind to remove peripheral distractions allows players to perform more consistently under pressure.

Recommended Exercises

Johnston offers a selection of poses to improve flexibility and efficiency of movement – hallmarks of a smooth swing. It is important to recognize one’s physical limitations and proceed cautiously to avoid injury. Start slowly and don’t force poses that feel painful.

Standing Forward Fold

Creates more flexible hamstrings, allowing hips to tilt forward for a better stance. Stand with your feet hip width apart and fold your torso forward, letting it hang toward the ground. Keep your head, neck and arms relaxed.

Half Twist

Increases flexibility around the torso and spine, providing
better rotation in the wind-up and follow-through. Sitting down, straighten your left leg, bringing your right foot over the left leg, slightly below the knee. Place your right hand behind your right hip and press your left elbow into the outside of your right knee. Inhale and grow tall with a straight spine. Using your exhale to twist to the right, press your elbow into your knee and twist from the chin, then the chest. Use each inhale to grow taller through the spine and twist. Switch sides.

Rabbit Pose

Increases mobility in the shoulders, making for less restriction though the entire range of motion. Kneeling on the floor, knees together, sit on your heels and rest your head on the floor in front of your knees. Grab your heels from the outside of the feet and hold tight, lifting your hips. Keep the top of your head resting on the floor.

Downward Dog

Provides more range of motion in the ankles for a more balanced stance. Start with your knees and feet hip width apart, knees on the floor directly under your hips. Palms on the floor should be shoulder-width apart, in front of your shoulders. Lift your knees off the floor and your hips as high as is comfortable. Keep your head and neck relaxed and press your heels to the floor.

Camel Pose

Increases flexibility in the front of the hip for a more complete follow-through. Kneeling on a mat with your knees hip width apart, bring your palms to the flat part of your lower back and push your  hips forward. Lifting your chest toward the ceiling, carefully let your head fall back.

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