Ai Nav GPS+ Remote Control Golf Caddy Makes Walking A Course A Technological Wonder

The Ai Navigator GPS+, with a touchscreen, remote control, and connection to over 40,000 courses, takes the humble pushcart to an entirely new level.

If there’s one thing recent years have demonstrated, it is that golfers love to walk. The boom in walking courses really started during the pandemic and has continued, with golfers often hoofing it on foot around 18 as opposed to using a cart. With that in mind, many golfers are looking for an alternative to carrying their bag—and the MGI Ai Nav GPS+ Remote Control Caddy is about as technically advanced as you’re going to find. With more than 40,000 courses at your fingertips through the all-weather touchscreen, this is a next-level golfing experience for those who like to walk.

Key Technology


Through its modern design, you’ll get an integrated GPS system built into a super responsive, high-resolution, full-colour, all-weather touchscreen display. The display allows you to connect to courses from around the world, and in turn it will provide accurate distances, regardless of whether you’re in the middle of the fairway or have hit your ball somewhere you wish you hadn’t. The display offers clear view of the hole.


The Ai Navigator comes with a fully directional handheld that allows you to walk 80 yards away from the unit, while MGI’s gyroscope straight tracker technology will keep your cart on the right path regardless of terrain. The unit will also offer speed control so you can match it to the way you walk down the fairway.


If you happen to run out of battery in a round, you can run the unit in manual mode like a traditional pushcart.

Is It For Me?

Ai Navigator GPS+ is an investment, just like a new driver or a set of irons, and if you’re a walker, you’ll get more enjoyment out of your game. This is the latest in technology matched with the traditional pushcart, meaning you get all the benefits of both walking and having the details of the course right in front of you.

Click here to shop the Ai Navigator GPS+ Electric Cart.

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