Watch: Coaches Trade in Golf Gloves for Hockey Gloves on Par 3 Challenge

When hockey season ends, golf season begins! This week, we joined the NHL Coaches’ Association for their 2nd Annual NHLCA Celebrity Golf Classic.

Now, these coaches are more definitely comfortable at the rink then on the course, so we thought we’d make them feel more at home by offering up hockey gloves and sticks for what seemed like a simple Par 3 at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas. The results? Well, they were mixed.

And the biggest trade in Dallas this week? Coach Mike Babcock swapping his hockey gear for golf gear. Albeit, he seemed to have an added hazard on the tee box after a big gust of wind blew a tent his way. Our bad Mike. Our Bad.

Big thank you to the NHLCA and all of the coaches for being good sports in our Hockey-Meets-Golf Goal-in-One Challenge!

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