Keeping Up With Kate: Summer Stretch

Once the season starts on tour, it can come at your pretty fast. June and July were two balanced months with tournaments on the Women’s All Pro Tour, Epson, a PGA of Canada event and having some time off at home. I ended May on a strong note with a cut made on WAPT at the mid-season championship. After my May events I felt that things had clicked mentally in my golf game, and I felt confident going into the summer. For June, I spent the entire month up north, which was a much-needed break from the hot and humid south. I spent alternate weeks in Michigan playing in Epson events and having some time off at home. For both events in Michigan, I felt like I just couldn’t get going and was constantly fending off bogeys. It made it hard to get up on my rounds and get under par when the rest of the field was. I felt that my game was in solid shape going in, but I was just making easy mistakes. Both events gave me a new focus going into July; to improve my scrambling for the next set of events. Although June wasn’t my best golf, I really enjoyed getting to play up on the Michigan Peninsula. My favourite June off-course moment was getting to have dinner on Lake Michigan while up on the Michigan Upper Peninsula. It was also my prettiest road trip of the year with a big portion of it being around the shoreline of Lake Michigan.

July started off on home soil with the ORORO PGA Women’s Championship of Canada at Kingsville Golf and Country Club. I always love getting to play close to home as it doesn’t happen very often. This year the PGA of Canada and the staff and members of Kingsville truly knocked it out of the park. The event was great from the course, pro-am, dining and volunteers. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire week there and was happy to finish with a solid final round. It was probably one of my highlight events of the year to this point.

I got to enjoy some time at home for the rest of July and rounded out the month with a trip to Conway, Arkansas for a WAPT event. It was a strong week, and although I missed the cut, I felt that my game was really shaping up well for the last month of the summer season. I was particularly happy to see that my scrambling had improved and I made more up and downs than I did in my June events. My opening round of Conway was probably my most solid round of the season. What I was most happy with in that round was my ability to bounce back after a tough hole and finish my back nine under par. During my two weeks off in July I was able to really put some work into my game. The biggest area of focus was scoring from 20-50 yards. I spent a lot of hours camped out at the short-range working on these yardages. My goal was to improve my up and down percentage from 20-50 yards so that I could play my par 5s more aggressively and hopefully convert more birdies. I was also able to play a lot of fun golf in July and I found some enjoyment in the game that had been missing after a tough start to the season. My favourite July off-course moment was getting back into road biking while I had some time at home. After a few weeks at home, I felt refreshed and excited to have a strong month in August. Collectively June and July had some of my shortest road trips of the year. I luckily got to travel mostly up north in Michigan and Ontario. I had two round trips to Michigan, a drive to Windsor and a drive to Arkansas, roughly 6,600 km for the two months.

August will be a jam-packed month, with the season championship of WAPT, an event on Epson and finally Stage 1 of Q-School at the end of the month. I will be in Kansas, Oregon and California and may even sneak in a few days off to visit my university town of Vancouver. I am feeling so confident about where my game is heading going into this important month and can’t wait to report back good news.

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