How often should you change your golf grips?

When a golf glove wears out, most players will simply get another—or keep a spare in their bag. But when golf grips wear out, a majority of players won’t even bother to change them even if it hurts their game.

That’s the truth about golf grips—while you should be changing them every six months if you’re a semi-regular golfer or 30 rounds (whatever comes first), or at least once a season in Canada, most golfers still don’t heed that advice. Your grips are your singular connection to the club and if you’re playing in hot sun and humidity, you’re going to need to change them at least once. season, perhaps more.

Here are a few ways to know it may be time to change your grips.

The “Slickness Test”

If your grips look like a race tire that’s been used at the Daytona 500, you might consider it time to get them changed. Everyone has a friend who has grips that have been on their club since the turn of the last century. Well, it is actually hurting their game—and the slick shiny appearance makes it clear it is time for a change.


Similar to seeing slick grips, if your grips are cracking or your cord grips are fraying and starting to wear down, the time is right for an alteration.

Two-year test

Regardless of whether you’ve played the allotted number of rounds, you need to change your grips every two years. Yes, that means you—the one who played four rounds over the last two seasons in Canada. Grips—even new models with UV protection and new compounds—aren’t designed to last for more than 24 months. The grips will lose their tackiness and the moisture will go out of the rubber, causing them to dry out and potentially crack.

How old are your irons?

Most replacement cycles for irons are four to five years, and most grips show significant wear after two. Considering that most players don’t replace them, that means there’s a 24-month period where they aren’t optimizing their equipment and it could be costing you strokes.

Regrip for less

Our Annual Regrip Event is on now until March 9th, 2025 and is the perfect time to regrip your clubs with some huge savings. In-stock grips are 40% off (some exclusions) during this time. Even if you aren’t planning to play during the winter, it’s the perfect time to regrip your set and make sure your clubs are ready when spring arrives, so what are you waiting for! Head to your nearest Golf Town or shop online now.

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2 thoughts on “How often should you change your golf grips?”

  1. Every 30 rounds? LOL seriously that’s simply a nice excuse for a cash grab regripping clubs. Grips are not needing replacing that often unless you possess wicked skin oils or perspire like a bull in a tight jersey. If you play 60 rounds a season then maybe every 2-3 seasons it is warranted. But every 30 rounds? Clubs are just broken in. Your plight is like telling a driver to change his tires on his car every 20K just to be safe.

    1. @Wendell Sandstrom

      You are absolutely correct. With regular cleaning and proper care most grips will last much longer than 30 rounds. I easily put 30 plus round on my grip last year and they are still just as good as new, which they were not. It’s all about how you treat them. Grips can last well past 24 months too.

      Keep them clean and they will treat you and your score card well.